Professors, Make AI

—designed by professors and students, for professors and students

For Universities

For Professors

Course Ready In Seconds

Trusted By Professors at the World's Leading Institutions

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Dartmouth Logo
Columbia University Logo
Binghamton University Logo
Miami University of Ohio Logo

Control, Transparency, Connection — Built for Your Course.

86% of University Students Use AI
ChatGPT Logo
  • Uses random unverifiable, unsourced, internet data
  • Not controllable or customizable for your course
  • No transparency on student usage
  • Engages outside, irrelevant information
  • Does not facilitate learning
  • Violates integrity of learning objectives for assignments
  • Not FERPA compliant, safe, or secure
Sai is Preferred 97% of the time by professors.

Any course, any size, ready now

Join professors using sai to make AI usage
transparent, controlled, and educational in courses.

Simple Pricing

Choose between our flexible individual plan or enterprise solution for institution-wide deployment.

Sai Professor & Student Plan

Free for Professors
Students: $30/semester

Access all features of the Sai platform. Professors get complete control and transparency, while students get affordable access to enhanced learning tools.

Perfect for individual courses and departments
  • Unlimited usage for students throughout the semester including sai, sai-study, sai-assignments
  • Unlimited courses and usage for professors across sai, sai-study, sai-assignments
  • Full professor access and transparency to student access and usage of sai, sai-study, sai-assignments in real-time
  • Full professor control, customization, over sai, sai-study, sai-assignments features in real-time
  • Customizable course AI features and settings like sai, sai-study, sai-assignments
  • 24/7 support for professors and students
  • Single sign-on (SSO) for students & professors

Sai Enterprise


Institutional with unlimited courses and professors. Access advanced integrations, compliance, support, and tailored solutions.

Institution-wide solution, fully customizable
  • Customized Sai Platform instance for university context and access
  • Seamless admin-level LMS integration, instantly connecting all courses to the LMS for your university for streamlined management
  • Comprehensive university-wide admin control over all courses
  • Advanced moderation and monitoring for faculty & student safety
  • Dedicated 24/7 support for all faculty and students
  • Personalized 1-on-1 onboarding support for all faculty
  • Custom Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) for institutional requirements
  • Exclusive discounts for full institutional licensing
  • Safety and Privacy Compliance: FERPA, SOC 2, HECVAT, ISO 27001, CSA, GDPR, Ed-Law 2D, and much more

Pricing FAQs

Why sai? How does pricing compare to other AI platforms?
How can I ensure I get all the features of Sai Course Plus and Enterprise?
If my university does not use Sai Enterprise, can I still get all features for my course?
How much does it cost for a university or institution license for Sai Course Enterprise? How much for an individual subscription to Sai Course Plus?
What if I sign up for Sai Professor & Student Plan (as a student) and then my university/institution becomes a Partner and gets an Enterprise license for me?
How will usage/words generated be limited across tiers?